- EnglishGrammar.org - https://www.englishgrammar.org/ With an endless list of downloadable lessons, this site covers all topics regarding grammatical rules, sentence structures, and word use. The site also provides online exercises such as quizzes to allow users to practice what they have learned.
- Purdue Owl - https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
This site provides a variety of lessons through English grammar articles showing explanations, common grammar mistakes, and extensive examples. Purdue Owl also explains how the rules of grammar apply to various types of writing such as general writing, subject-specific writing, and job search writing. - Let’s Talk - https://www.letstalkpodcast.com/
This site provides the tools to be able to speak fluent English with a neutral accent. The site also provides free, video-based classes from many different teachers. The video instructors not only teach the basics of English grammar but explain the pronunciation and meanings of words and phrases. - Learn English – EngVid Teacher https://www.youtube.com/user/engvidenglish
This YouTube channel provides hundreds of English grammar instructional videos from a variety of teachers. Video lesson topics include teaching vocabulary, grammar principles, how to use specific words, vowel pronunciation, and so much more. What also makes this site helpful is that you can pick what teacher you would like to learn from. - Slow Easy English – www.sloweasyenglish.com
This site consists of many English lesson videos from teacher named Sil. This site stands about because Sil emphasizes that the best way to learn English is by applying it in daily life. Along with pronunciation, vocabulary, and expressions videos, Sil provides numerous grammar videos that focus on how to properly use different words and phrases. - Success CDs Education – English Grammar https://www.youtube.com/user/successcds1
This Youtube channel provides free video lessons on many topics including English Grammar lessons. These videos contain lessons explaining the technicalities of grammar such as parts of speech, verbs, nouns, phrases, clauses, different tenses, etc. The videos include detailed PowerPoints with definitions and examples with a voice-over teacher explaining them. - English Teacher Melanie - https://www.englishteachermelanie.com/
This site offers free audio podcasts, lessons, and videos dedicated to English vocabulary and grammar lessons. The podcasts are extremely helpful because they let students hear how words are pronounced and used. The grammar lessons are explained in a way that is very easy to understand and many examples are provided. - Grammarly - https://www.grammarly.com/handbook/
The handbook on this site presents countless definitions and examples on English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, sentence style, and clarity. What makes Grammarly a very helpful site is that it can both proofread texts by checking grammar within writing. - Edu Find - https://www.edufind.com/
This site contains a guide to English grammar rules and usage with many examples. The lessons are split into categories so students can easily find what aspects of grammar they want to focus on. The site also has a variety of exercises and tests that students can use to practice what they have learned. - Speak Speak - https://speakspeak.com/
This site is a useful resource for interactive practice exercises, grammar explanations, and vocabulary lists. The English exercises are split into basic, intermediate, and advanced levels so students can choose which level they are comfortable on and build their knowledge from there. The exercises range from fill-in-the-blank questions to multiple choice questions. - Daily Grammar - https://www.dailygrammar.com/
This site contains hundreds of grammar lessons and quizzes. Each topic contains a majority of lessons and exercises and quizzes that immediately tests what the lesson was about. This site is a good source to learn and practice grammar on a daily basis. - Using English - https://www.usingenglish.com/
This site primarily focuses on teaching English as a second language. The site contains extensive words lists that provide descriptions and definitions of specific terms. This site also provides numerous grammar usage articles with easy to understand explanations and practice quizzes. - English Leap - https://www.englishleap.com/
This site is ideal for learning the building blocks of grammar and putting that knowledge into practice through numerous exercises and tests. The lessons are categorically organized and explanations are detailed and well-explained. The site also includes many grammar video lessons explaining grammar terms, idioms, word usage, etc.
Photo Credit: Quin Dombrowski