Megan Ball
One of my best friends is a senior in high school this year. She wants to go to Syracuse for a degree in music but isn’t quite sure about being able to fund her education. As a Texan who is coming from a middle class, white family, her qualms are not only justified but substantiated by past horror stories. Students who worked so hard in high school to get into prestigious colleges and universities that then aren’t able to pay the steep tuition prices for the brilliant schools that offered them admission is not an uncommon tale. Especially when pursuing a degree in the arts, scholarship opportunities are rare, and actually getting the money is even rarer.
So to answer the big question: What are my chances of getting a college theater scholarship? The answer is, quite simply, pretty frikin’ low. The chance of even getting a scholarship is pretty low, so I've compiled a list of some tips to boosting your chances of getting someone else to pay for part of your exorbitant tab....

Jeremy Cohen
‘What is art?’ is a question often asked. The concept of art in itself is so artistically and beautifully abstract that instead of having a clear definition, it begs for questions and infinite answers. In truth, every individual possesses a different understanding of what art is composed of, but for the purpose of this article, we’ll just say art is a unique personal expression manifested in a physical form (i.e. a painting, sculpture). In a way, it would be accurate to say that art is a reflection of human observation and reaction- but what if you couldn’t observe everything that everyone else is observing? Many would gasp if they were told that blind individuals can create art, I mean, truthfully it’s a struggle to even attempt drawing a straight line while seeing it. Nevertheless, art is a force that surpasses obstacles, teaching us that when one of the senses is down, another steps up to the plate.
People say that when one loses one of the five senses, the four remain...

Joe Cook
The pedal steel guitar originated from the steel guitar. Essentially this was the same set up as the aforementioned instrument except it did not include pedals that allowed for change in greater variation in key. This more rudimentary instrument came about some time in the late 19th century and was largely used in Hawaii. This instrument became more popular in the United States in the 20’s and 30’s. Since that time, the pedal steel guitar and its development as an instrument with the addition of pedals has helped in the progression of more modern country music and western swing and later jazz and blues.
The instrument looks sort of like the top half of a guitar laid on a table although the pedal steel guitar is not closely related to a guitar. Older pedal steel guitars had six strings, the more modern ones generally have ten but some have up to 14 strin...
Angelica Brady
The banjo is not a very old instrument, relatively speaking. The general design was laid down in colonial America by Africans, and it was modeled on other traditional African instruments. It usually has four or five strings, with one string being reserved as the 'drone' string. Banjos usually bring to mind country music and bluegrass, but it has been gaining some popularity in other musical genres. This is a good time for people who want to learn banjo chords and techniques, because a lot of information that was once fairly pricy is now available for much less or for free on the internet.
In addition to finding
banjo teachers here on LRNGO, a quick search in a major search engine will turn up hundreds of sites designed to help you teach yourself to play the banjo in some way. In order to learn banjo chords, you will first need to learn how to read the notation that...

Sofia Echeverry
The path to stardom is much sought after as aspiring actresses hope to become celebrities someday. While this may be a bit ambitious, if they apply themselves in learning how to be an actress, the chance for stardom could be theirs.
Acting school is a good place to start. Many instructors are celebrities themselves, with much experience to impart. There are various places that teach the performing arts. Many high schools have classes that instruct in how to be an actress, and then progress on to college and university programs. Many of the celebrities that we know and love today were once students in these acting classes. In fact, it is generally the case that stars are not accidentally formed, but deliberately created.
While many envy the lifestyle of celebrities, most do not fully comprehend the amount of work and diligence that was invested in earning that status. To learn how to be an actress, one must be willing to get in touch with their emotions in order to...

Donald Brooks
The trombone is a popular and common instrument that is a staple in orchestras and many bands. It’s a versatile and melodic instrument, pleasant to the ears and enjoyable to play. If you have begun to develop an interest in playing the trombone, but don’t know where to start or find trombone instructors, don’t worry. Playing the trombone can be easy and fun if you get good trombone instructors, study hard, and practice daily.
The trombone is a member of the brass family and a unique instrument. With its slide and natural pitch bend effect, it is like no other in either sound or appearance. A staple of marching bands, jazz bands and classical concert groups alike, one could not imagine a performance in any of these genres without this instrument. This instrument was also a staple (some would say a necessity) in the New Orleans style of music that was the beginning of jazz in the US. Many will tell you that jazz as we know it would not have been the same without the influence of t...

Alice Evans
Learning voice over acapella music and how to sing is a rewarding experience for anyone interested in music. There is a vast difference between listening to a truly great singer who sings almost effortlessly, and a not so great one whose singing seems rather like someone straining or lifting a heavy object. With the latter, it can be painful to listen to or watch. The best way to learn voice over acapella music and specifically how to sing is by taking vocal lessons. Whether through attending workshops presented by a professional vocal coach, getting private vocal or singing lessons, or going through online or DVD courses.
It’s not that learning how to sing is that difficult, but it does take determination, perseverance, and inner motivation. Without those qualities, a student will usually end up giving up before the lessons can pay off. This is especially true with voice over acapella singing, where there are only vocals and no instruments to accompany. Anyone who wants...

Howard Bailey
Bands for hire in the NC triangle have plenty to offer to crowds of varied tastes. Whether one is looking for a wedding singer, a party band, or something for a corporate shindig, Raleigh has mercenary musicians for any event. If you want to hire a band in Raleigh North Carolina, here are some of the top choices on offer.
For the rock category, two bands can expect to carry the title. Aftershock, featuring four solid vocalists led by Gary Frost of Milford, CT, is the band of choice to keep a party going. Aftershock plays mostly covers from the 70s and 80s, but they have plenty of newer music in their expansive catalogue. From Van Halen to Daughtry, Aftershock’s versatile rock sound is sure to win the crowd. Next up in rock is Rockzilla, featuring an even broader playlist than Aftershock. Rockzilla mixes pop in with their rock, including tunes from Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga and many more. This band’s magic plays out on the dance floor; partygoers are most likely to gel with ...