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Two girls writing on worksheets.

Using ESL Worksheets

Worksheets can be useful tools when it comes to practicing your developing English skills and testing how much you actually know. Be they for a classroom environment or for personal use, worksheets are an important tool in learning English.

If you’re working on your own, be sure to use worksheets with answer keys so that you can check over your work and catch any mistakes you’ve made. Mistakes are important—especially if they’re repetitive mistakes. If you consistently make the same mistakes, highlight them for further study or discussion with your ESL teacher or language exchange partner. Don’t let mistakes get you down, as they are an integral part of the learning process and provide valuable opportunities to grow.

Take a look at these sites and discover an endless supply of free ESL worksheets!

English Club features worksheets that cover all facets of the English language and are perfect for classrooms or language exchange sessions. You can look at worksheets by skill or topic, so you will be able to easily choose between reading, writing, speaking, and a variety of other skills. They also have excellent conversation worksheets that guide speakers through different topics, helping them gain vocabulary and get comfortable with speaking skills.

English for Everyone is home to tons of printable worksheets, some with detailed answer keys that not only tell learners the correct answer, but explains why it is the correct answer as well. The website is easy to use and divides worksheets by category, from synonyms and antonyms to verb tenses and more.

Learn English Feel Good provides many free, printable worksheets that focus mostly on the challenges of grammar. The site is also good for online exercises in grammar, vocabulary, and listening.

ESL PDF is Learn English Feel Good’s sister site that focuses on providing even more free worksheets to learners. Tons of grammar, vocabulary, and phrase exercises are formatted for easy printing.

One Stop English offers worksheets to learners of all ages and skill levels, many of which are used best with the guidance of an instructor or language exchange partner as worksheets are not usually fill-in-the-blanks or matching. The site is easy to use and, though not all parts are accessible without a subscription, there are a great deal of worksheets and other resources in every category that are completely free, without even a log in required.

Interested in working with a language exchange partner? Don't forget LRNGO is a free site that helps connect you with a language exchange partner, giving you access to one-on-one learning. You teach your partner and your partner teaches you, simple as that! Find a partner locally or anywhere in the world via Skype!

Photo Credit: MIKI Yoshihito
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