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Basic TESOL Certificate Course

Online Course


Price: $40
Description: This course serves as a great introductory overview course for any teacher: those new to teaching English as a Foreign or Second language or teachers who want to update their certification and knowledge.

It consists of 15 assessed video modules (Lectures 2-16). Watch each video and take the quiz assessment afterward. Finish all modules and you'll get a nice certificate.

If you don't want a certificate, resources or to pay or just want a full preview - THE FREE COURSE is HERE (no certificate/resources or extra content provided). If you have completed the quizzes, you can get a certificate by just purchasing this course.

The course syllabus and a sample certificate are below, for your review. If you don't get your certificate after passing all the quizzes - please message me from the course (use- Ask A Question). I will host online webinars and announce them during the course of study.