While SanDisk may not be as well known as say Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft, it is in fact at the forefront of the technological revolution. The Podcast SanDisk takes full advantage of the pushes in flash memory storage. Mobile Technology has taken the first world by storm, and from small town USA to Belgium, consumers are checking their email, watching podcasts, listening to music, or playing games on their handheld gadgetry. SanDisk has been a part of this digital lifestyle for a quarter of a century.
The Rise of Podcast Software
Society is in an uproar, and communication has become more important than ever before. A totalitarian shadow is casting itself across the Eurozone and America, while rebellions stir the Middle East. The fact is that citizen journalism wouldn’t be what it is without Podcast Software like the SanDisk. The blogosphere in connection with social media networks circulates data between hundreds of millions of people worldwide. What would this be without Podcasts?
Everyday more people watch and get their news from independent sources on the web through podcasts rather than through traditional and highly controlled sources. Consumer electronics, cloud technology, apps, and large scale manufacturing has given the people far more power than they would have otherwise. When the modern world appears on the brink of full scale revolution, at the center, none of it would be possible without something as small as a flash drive.
For example, during the OWS protests in the states, citizen journalism helped to fuel a movement that played a part in overturning a power structure in Egypt that went back decades. The fervor, along with the technologies and flash memory it took to deliver it to millions, spread to Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, across Europe, and some speculate even into Syria.
The Brilliance of SanDisk
Podcast Software SanDisk was there when the term was coined in 2004. SanDisk is a fortune 500 company because the services it’s been able to provide during some of the most tumultuous times for humanity in recorded history, are also transformation technologies that changes with them. They have 250,000 retail outlets, and industry wide relationships that help to make the social media platform what it is.
The storage and transportation of data is the lifeblood of the new world economy and modern journalism. Once the dust clears and fractional banking, debt bubbles, corporatized democracy, and fiat currencies are dealt with, the technological revolution is ready. It’s ready to take us out into the undiscovered country of space, along with all of our information. Humanity is going to take life, and all we know about it, and spread to other planets.
While this is happening, something based on the Podcast Software SanDisk model will likely be there, in mobile phones, cloud data centers and servers, flash cards, and within the blogosphere. Companies like SanDisk in America and elsewhere are forging ahead in spite of and encouraged by the modern social climate. Nothing can stop humanity now you see, because we have the ability to spread, save, compile, format, and deliver information, and through that is power.