Over the last five years the Verizon company has changed their regional toll and calling area map several times. These changes are to accommodate new towers, new signal areas, new networks and new calling plans. The most recent changes to the regional toll and calling area map included new rural areas and accommodations for Verizon residential phone services as well as cellular and wireless services. Here are a few of the changes that have taken place.
Verizon Regional Toll & Calling Area Map for Residential Users
Residential phone users may have noticed changes to their regional toll and calling areas on the calling area map. One of these changes deals with what exactly regional toll fees are and how they apply to residential services. According to the Verizon site, a regional toll is a charge for calls made outside of the residential service area but the call is made within the Verizon servicing area. This call fees will vary according to the type of plan and coverage the Verizon user has. Plans can be upgraded to negate any charges or fees for Verizon Regional Toll and Calling Area Map restrictions.
Upgraded plans that would include certain areas and negate extra toll charges are unlimited long distance, unlimited nationwide calling and extended toll area. If the residential customer chooses to extend their call area then certain changes would take effect to the Verizon regional toll and calling area map to extend the service area and calling map zones for that user. Plans can be upgraded, extended or changed at any time. Certain fees may apply and upgrade fees may be charged. Any change to the plans would cause current fees to increase or decrease depending on the plan.
Verizon Regional Toll & Calling Area Map for Wireless Users
The Verizon wireless plans vary greatly depending on the services the user needs. Certain basic services may include local calling only with toll services charged in areas outside of the regional calling area. These areas may also be referred to roaming areas and roaming charges would apply. Verizon plans can be upgraded to over area calling, nationwide calling after 7pm, and unlimited packages that include anytime calling and no fees for Verizon regional toll and calling area map restricted areas. With 3G servicing in over 98% of the Verizon area map, the need for regional toll charges may be limited with upgraded packages.
Verizon continually updates their customers on any changes that may affect the Verizon regional toll and calling area map. If you feel that your area map or regional toll calling has changed, contact a Verizon representative, and check out the map here:
https://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/CoverageLocatorController?requesttype=NEWREQUEST&coveragetype=datacoverage4gPhoto Credit:
Mike Mozart