Tips for Understanding and Learning the Environmental Sciences

The complex field of environmental science integrates both physical and biological sciences. As an environmental science teacher, you will discover that this subject is a current and evolving one. It is also a subject that affects each person directly, as it has to do with our relationship to the world we live in. It affects lifestyle, political views and economic situations. In fact, part of the job of an environmental science teacher is to help the students realize the impact of man on the environment, and the environment on man.

As the environmental science teacher, you will find it’s best to come at the information from the scientific angle first, offering plenty of data and research in your classes. Use the facts to help set the stage of what is going on the world. Stats make the work of an environmental science teacher, as they largely speak for themselves. Students must have a thorough understanding of the facts before they understand the “human impact” side of things. Try to avoid sweeping emotional statements about the state of the planet, and use facts and statistics to present your information.

Be the environmental science teacher that engages the class. Use attractive teaching styles like debates, participating or following environmental projects and other techniques that involve the students.

Both through your example, and through your teaching style, convey the message that each of us can make a difference in the environment. As an environmental science teacher, you want to strike the right balance between impressing the gravity of the situation, and the need for change, but also highlighting the success stories. There are many examples of individuals and organizations that have had very positive results in their efforts to improve or protect the world around them.

Photo Credit:David J Laporte

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