Following are a few tips which may help you pass the GED comfortably and with a high score.
- Capitalize on your good points. If you love math, focus on that. Your scores will show your best-learned subject, and may help you get a good scholarship. On the other hand, if you dislike a subject very much, begin studying that subject, and then round off your study time with a subject you enjoy more.
- Teach someone what you know. If you can make a game of it, all the better. But nothing helps weld knowledge to your brain like turning around and teaching it to somebody else.
- Remember, when preparing to pass the GED, if you don't succeed at first, you can take the test again later. In some cases, you can even take a practice test beforehand, so you know exactly what to study for.
- Worry is one of the worst enemies of the student, because if you're afraid that you'll fail, chances are your mind will be more occupied with that thought than with the necessary information you'll need to remember in order to pass the GED. So relax, and admit to yourself that you can only do your best.
- Finally, reward yourself! Make realistic goals, and celebrate whenever you reach one of your goals. If you celebrate throughout the study period, you'll be in brighter spirits when the time comes to take the actual test. Stand up tall, look your reflection in the eye, and tell yourself you are going to pass the GED with the highest score possible. And hey, who says you won't?